It was a friend from my father’s job that first told us about Forum Foundation, my sister was going to enroll in 10th grade. It was 2016. He gave my father a brochure with some information for my sister I just couldn’t help but read it. From that moment on I knew I wanted to attend Forum Academy. What captured my attention was the quality of education being offered.
I received a full scholarship from Forum Foundation to attend the academy. Following the unfortunate pandemic, the Foundation continued to provide me with support in the form of phone cards to connect to class, books and resources, summer tutoring, and vocational support.
I graduated with fourth-place honors from the Federico Zuniga Feliu school. Reaching this goal was a great effort since I had to adapt to what was changing in the educational system and move from one curriculum to another, as well as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The biggest challenge during this time was distance learning, low or no signal meant falling behind. This crisis magnified shortcomings and had a great impact on my education. Internet connectivity is relatively low where I live, so I had to make a choice and move away from my family for a long time in order to have better access to my classes.
Thanks to the assistance provided by Forum Foundation I was able to continue learning. I did because I am always setting goals, being ambitious, and taking advantage of the opportunities I am given.
To reach this important goal. I dedicated myself to doing it and graduating. Today I can shout I DID IT! My advice to students is don’t stop studying, there is a great big beautiful world of knowledge and information, that allows us to choose the best opportunities. This can help us contribute to closing gaps in our country and dream of a better tomorrow. We are not the future of our country, we are its present and it is our actions that will determine what happens next. So we need to take advantage of every opportunity, every day, to learn something new, with patience, humility, and motivation you can achieve your dreams.
My goal is to enroll in university to study medicine, I would like to be a doctor. What are you going to do when you graduate. I also want to be able to do something during the holiday break. I hope to be able to tutor students in Chemistry and Biology, these subjects inspire me a lot.
Forum Foundation is committed to supporting inspiring young people like Lendy so that they can continue their learning journey and achieve their goals.